St. Olm Observatory

I have yet to come up with an interesting tagline.


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St. Olm Observatory is a blog that has appeared in various incarnations crawling about the internet since about the year 1999 or so. This one, obviously, being the most recent. I am your host here and the name’s Felicia. I’m twenty-one years old and I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. You may have heard of it, smack in the middle of the Upper Midwest region of the United States of America. It’s pretty cold. And pretty empty — but also strangely beautiful — outside of the metro area.

As for myself, I’m nothing that is particularly of note. I can’t decide if I’m going to be an Anthropology or Physics major at my small, unremarkable school. Originally I was going to go to school for Funeral Services but after several failed attempts at stuffy funeral homes to obtain work to see if I’d enjoy it, I grew somewhat disenchanted with the idea. I may return to it at some point, but for now I’m content with what I’m doing with my life. I spend a lot of my time writing fiction. I also study a few languages, but I don’t think I’m exceptionally good at any of them.

If I am passionate about anything, I’d have to say it would be the following: tea, astronomy, and what I believe in. If I was better at math (which I’m tragically horrible at), I’d be probably devote my life to the stars. Instead, I’m a typical liberal arts student who ingests a lot of tea and complains about how I think the world should be run. This blog is a reflection of these tendencies. Nine chances out of ten you will probably find occassional “english failures” as I like to call them along with typos. I also tend to not distinguish between its and it’s for whatever reason. I rarely spellcheck my posts, though I’m trying to get better about it. Then again, they tend not to correct the aforementioned english failures.

What you will find here? Well, that’s generally pretty broad. I talk about a lot of things, but usually what’s on my mind is, oh shock, opinions. That’s probably what you’re going to see here. Don’t ask who I’m going to vote for; ask me what my stances on certain issues are instead for a real treat, I’m a political moderate who tends to swing left on most things but certainly not all. I’m also an extremely outspoken atheist who has no qualms about speaking my thoughts on the subject of religion. In fact, it comes up frequently.

I guess the easy way to put it is, simply, watch this space. There’s always something new and interesting here.

Written by Felicia

May 17, 2008 at 4:13 pm

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