St. Olm Observatory

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Archive for the ‘Daily’ Category

Apartment Woes: Revisited

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Referencing this entry: Apartment Woes (May 27th, 2008)

Up until two days ago, we had still had, at best, poor hot water in our building. You could get a warm shower, if you planned out when you ideally should take one. The best time was around 3am, for obvious reasons.

It was recently discovered a few days ago, where the source of the problem was. It was partially the neighbor underneath us, who came as no surprise, but also the girl next door? They discovered a leaky bathroom tub. A hot water leaking bathtub. Maybe its just me, but I don’t think it should have taken a month to have figured it out?

Now that its in the high 80’s its a bit irrelevant, but I’m certainly glad to have it fixed. And that’s saying the very least.

Written by Felicia

June 20, 2008 at 5:01 pm

Where My Time’s Gone

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I’ve been absent. Sorry about that. Really. I’ve been worked to death and every spare moment has either been consumed by thunderstorms, or perhaps, my newfound love of:

 Doctor Who! Quite a good show, really. I’d wanted to watch it for awhile, as I’d seen a few episodes here and there, but last week I officially sat down to watch it. Halfway through series two right about now, just left the episodes about the Cybermen.

I’m enjoying myself. It also makes me a bit nostalgic for where I used to live. One of the doors in the basement of the house was decorated to look like the TARDIS (and had been all my life; showing you can’t appreciate these things until later). It linked itself into a weid set of rooms that were pretty dusty and certainly full of cobwebs (piled ontop of eachother), but had lots of nifty things in them, and probably look like it came out of an industrial genre music video. Getting around was more difficult than it should’ve been, but when you found the library full of 19th century materials behind the stairs, it was worth it. The bedroom was a bit scarier, though. Mostly shelves filled with old things and a lamp, nailed upside down to the ceiling. There was also a dead bee stuck in the doorframe. Don’t ask.

Point is, I love me some of this show.

Written by Felicia

June 5, 2008 at 3:04 pm

Posted in Daily, Television

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